Weight Loss

Lose weight without surgery!

I have been trained by Sheila Granger in The Virtual Gastric Band which is the of the world’s first clinically tested hypnotic weight loss programme tested within the NHS, showing a 95% success rate.

This psychology-based weight loss programme has been designed to simply and radically change how you think about food.

This programme:
Does not involve dieting or cutting out food groups.
• Resets the way you think about your eating habits and highlights any unhelpful patterns of behaviour (such as comfort eating)
• Alters your responses to food and encourages you to be satisfied on smaller portions.
• Allows you to enjoy the food you eat without feeling guilty!

The Virtual Gastric Band weight loss programme has been featured around the world in multiple newspapers and magazines.

Weight Loss Image

How it works:
You will receive 4 personalised sessions of hypnotherapy (in person or on zoom) to help change your mind-set on food and reinforce long-term behaviour change. You will be encouraged to reduce your portion sizes and be more motivated to exercise. Weight loss becomes effortless as you won’t be fighting your subconscious habits!

VGB package price : £450 for 4 x 1 hour sessions (including consultation and recordings)

I also offer zoom group sessions of 4 or more people at a reduced price of £135 per person. Please contact me for details.